I’m on a Panel

NaNoWriMo-panelHi. As you may know, November is National Novel Writing Month (or NaNoWriMo for short, obviously). As such, I am being graced with the honor of serving on an “author panel” at the Chisago Lakes, MN, public library on November 18. Yes, taking it back to the homeland under the guise of being a real, credible author who actually knows things. It seems I’ve fooled them as well.

Seriously, Chisago City is my hometown and I think it will be a blast to talk and answer questions alongside two other authors and see how many people will actually show up. To that end, if you live near the area (this includes the Minneapolis/St Paul metro and surrounding regions), you should come by and be with me. It would be fun to see you there and have you ask a question or two mock me in a public forum. There will be drinks at my parents’ house after. (I just decided this but I’m sure they’re fine with me inviting people over to drink on a Tuesday.)


  1. Terry
    October 28, 2014

    That’s quite a honor – congratulations! Have fun!

    1. Terry
      October 28, 2014

      sorry “an honor” ( :

  2. Elaine
    November 3, 2014

    I’m SOooo enjoying “Emails from Heaven”, Sam! Looking forward to the 18th!

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