I’ve been polluting the internet and the pages of books with my misguided rants and ruminations for the better part of six years now. The bad news: I don’t plan on stopping. However! There is good news: I think I’ve pinpointed where it all started. A few days ago, I
ran an internet search for randomly stumbled upon this gem: The Foul Play Blog.
Foul Play is, from what I can tell, my first attempt at writing in a public forum. It’s the blog I set up before going to Alaska, and, looking back on it, the early groundwork for what would eventually become Memoirs of a Gas Station. The posts are attributed to “Sam and Jim,” because of some Marxist idea I had that we’d both contribute equally and on a regular basis to form a levelheaded blog utopia, but in reality Jim didn’t end up posting more than once, probably due to his swift and legitimate desire to distance himself from me and my idiotic rambles. Understandable. So…it was mostly just me.
Browsing through the limited number of posts, there are many questions. For example: is this what the internet looked like in 2008? Why is the writing so odd and disjointed? What’s the deal with that belt I’m wearing in the picture? Why is this blog, after lying dormant for six years, still even active?
A good lesson on the permanence of the internet, perhaps. Or maybe just what a finger looks like after being smashed in a door.
November 10, 2014