Frost Pre-order + Cover Reveal

Hello, dear people of the Lodge. I’m here to tell you I’ve emerged from quasi-exile with something to show. Three years in the making, my new novel is finally done and set for pre-orderFrost will be released November 1, and is live on Amazon now.

As I mentioned to the email list yesterday, I’ve worked a lot on the craft in the last few years, and I think I’ve grown as a writer and storyteller. That should be evident in this one. It’s been a lot of hard work (like mentally-exhausting hard…not cement-pouring–i.e. actually–hard…but anyway) and there were times this book about killed me (metaphorically speaking), but in the end I think I wrote the story I set out to write. That’s all you can hope for as a writer, and I’m pretty damn proud of it.

Here’s the cover and description:

Amy Frost is getting desperate. When her fledgling stand-up comedy career falls flat, adding one more failure to a long list, she is forced to move back in with her mother in her hometown in the Colorado mountains. All the things she thought she had left behind have again become her reality, and at thirty-one years old, Amy is terrified of winding up in Ballast, Colorado, forever.

But she is shaken out of her self-pity when Arnold Dooley, the man who murdered his wife and was later acquitted, walks into her place of work.

The town of Ballast falls into hysteria upon learning Dooley has taken up residence on its east end, and the residents begin scheming ways to remove him. But Arnold takes an interest in Amy and begins to offer her large sums of money for seemingly innocuous tasks. Skeptical and guarded, Amy spurns the proposition until it becomes too enticing to ignore, and soon finds herself thrust into a twisted world of depravity. The only way out is for Amy to uncover who actually killed Arnold’s wife—and why they’re after her.

You can pre-order here. I’d love it if you did. ALSO I’m doing a giveaway on my mailing list for anyone who pre-orders the book, so get on that if you aren’t already. You get a chance at a free Fire HD 8 Tablet. I’ll be sending out instructions in the coming days.

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Talk soon.

